Contact Us Village of Brooklyn
Contact Information
If you would like more information or for any questions, contact the Village office at (517) 592-2591 or feel free to email us from the listing below.

Village Office
121 N. Main St, PO Box 90
Brooklyn, MI 49230
Phone: (517) 592-2591
Fax: (517) 592-2277
Directions to find us
After-hours water & sewer emergencies: (517) 796-2916
Village President
Estella Roberts
(517) 592-2591
Village Manager
Matt Swartzlander
(517) 592-2591
DPW Director
Dennis Spitler
(517) 592-5873
Village Treasurer
Marilyn Troyer
(517) 592-2591
Village Clerk &
Office Administrator
Whitney Harbowy
(517) 592-2591
Administrative Assistant
Hannah McFarland
(517) 592-2591
Other Contacts
Code Officer & Inspectors
Village Council
Job Opportunities
Village of Brooklyn is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is the policy of the Village of Brooklyn to afford equal employment opportunity regardless of a person's race, religion, color, national origin, sex, marital status, height, weight, or disability. Employment Application
Village of Brooklyn
Heart of the Irish Hills
Brooklyn is a cozy town snuggled between three lakes in the Heart of the Irish Hills. This growing community continues to have new businesses open within the village limits enabling the town to be a complete shopping center.