Planning & Zoning Division
For the Village of Brooklyn

Zoning Map

Zoning Administrator

Matt Swartzlander
(517) 592-2591

Code Enforcement Officer

Rick Nicholson
(517) 592-2591

Planning & Zoning Information

The Village of Brooklyn Code Enforcement Officer assists residents and business owners with understanding the Village's ordinances. Common ordinances that the Code Enforcement officer imposes include signage, property management, noxious weeds, and snow removal.

Important Links *

Village Zoning Map
Zoning Ordinance Adopted 8-8-22
Application for Zoning Action
List of Fines, Costs & Fees
View All Permits and Forms

*Please note that we accept cash, check, credit, or debit cards as payment options.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission meets on the third Monday of each month at 6 pm, unless otherwise indicated, but may be cancelled when posted a minimum of 18 hours prior to a scheduled meeting if no business is brought to the commission. Unless otherwise posted, meetings commence at 6:00 p.m. at the Brooklyn Branch of Jackson District Library Community Room at 207 N. Main St., Brooklyn, MI.
Planning Commission Minutes

Bob Stockton, Chairperson
(Term Ends 12/31/25)
Misty Bliven
(Term Ends 12/31/25)
Crystal Buter
(Term Ends 12/31/23)
Greg Goings
(Term Ends 12/31/24)
Stacy Hicks
(Term Ends 11/20/24)
Bob Jenson
(Term Ends 11/20/25)
Debbie Powell
(Term Ends 12/31/24)

We would like to hear from you.

Contact us and we will help in any way we can.