Water & Sewer Village of Brooklyn
Water & Sewer Service
After-hours water & sewer emergencies: (517) 796-2916

For questions regarding your water and sewer services, please contact:
The Village Office
121 N. Main St, PO Box 90, Brooklyn, MI 49230
(517) 592-2591
Village residents are billed per gallon for water and sewer use.
Water & Sewer Bill Payments *
Services are
billed monthly and are due on the 15th of the month.
Bill payments can be dropped off at the Village of
Brooklyn office. The Village office is opened Monday
- Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After hour
payments can be dropped off through the door on the
south side of the Village office at the end of the
ramp. If you would prefer, you can mail your
payments to PO 90, Brooklyn, MI 49230.
*We accept cash, check, credit, or debit cards as payment options. We also accept automatic payments from a checking or savings account. A signed authorization form must be completed for this service.
Please note: If you are a new homeowner or new tenant, you will need to complete this change of address form in order to be billed correctly.
Utility Review Request
If you are a resident
of the Village of Brooklyn and would like to request
a review of your utilities by the Utilities Review
Board, please use this
utility review request form.
The policies and procedures are included with this
Utility Requests can be faxed to (517) 592-2277. There is a charge of $1.00 per request.
Village of Brooklyn Water System
The Village of Brooklyn strives to provide you with
the best drinking water possible. This
Consumer Confidence Report
provides you with information about your drinking
water. It explains where your water comes from and
the treatment it receives before it reaches your
We would like to hear from you.
Contact us and we will help in any way we can.